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Author Archives: yma03
Panelist: Chinese Students In America: Still Caught in the Crosshairs
As pandemic travel restrictions ease and international students return to American campuses, will Chinese students and scholars still be the largest international presence on campus? Will Chinese students and scholars still find themselves caught in the crosshairs of tensions between the United States and China? How are American universities navigating continuing concerns about Chinese influence and sensitive research? A group of professors and senior administrators from campuses around the US will help us understand how American universities are ensuring that Chinese students feel welcome while navigating the politics of their campus China connections. Please refer to this link for the event information.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Talk
Ambitious and Anxious offers a multifaceted analysis of the new wave of Chinese students based on research in both Chinese high schools and American higher-education institutions. I argue that these students’ experiences embody the duality of ambition and anxiety that arises from transformative social changes in China. These students and their families have the ambition to navigate two very different educational systems and societies. Yet the intricacy and pressure of these systems generate a great deal of anxiety, from applying to colleges before arriving, to studying and socializing on campus, and to looking ahead upon graduation. This book also provides policy implications from student recruitment to career services. Please refer to the link for the event information.
Yingyi Ma Named an American Council on Education Fellow
The ACE Fellows Program is a customized mentorship and learning experience that enables participants to immerse themselves in the study and practice of leadership. The program combines retreats, interactive learning opportunities, visits to campuses and other higher education-related organizations, and placement at another higher education institution to condense years of on-the-job experience and skills development into a single year. Please refer to the ACE announcement for more details.
Interview by Karin Fischer: Anti-Asian discrimination against international students has been there all along
Please refer to this link for the full interview script.
University of Wisconsin – Madison Talk
Dr. Yingya Ma will be giving a talk on her book “Ambitious and Anxious: How Chinese College Students Succeed in American Education”. Ambitious and Anxious offers a multifaceted analysis of the new wave of Chinese students based on research in both Chinese high schools and American higher-education institution. Please refer to this link for the event information.
Drexel University Sociology Department’s Speaker Series
Yingyi Ma offers a multifaceted analysis of the new wave of Chinese students based on research in both Chinese high schools and American higher-education institutions. She argues that these students’ experiences embody the duality of ambition and anxiety that arises from transformative social changes in China. These students and their families have the ambition to navigate two very different educational systems and societies. Yet the intricacy and pressure of these systems generate a great deal of anxiety, from applying to colleges before arriving, to studying and socializing on campus, and to looking ahead upon graduation. Please refer to this link for the event information.
Interview by Nature Journal: The US is the world’s science superpower — but for how long?
This year’s pivotal election will shape the future of US science. Rising international competition and domestic concerns are also at play.
For the full Nature article, please refer to this link.
Sixth Tone Article: Is This the End For China’s American Education Craze?
The past year has shaken the foundations of China’s church-like devotion to American higher education, but a full reversal seems unlikely. The desire of Chinese students to study in the U.S. is strong and durable. Unless and until the U.S. and Chinese governments fully commit to cutting each other off, studying in the U.S. will continue to remain a popular choice for many Chinese.
Please follow this link to access the full article.
Asia Experts Forum (AEF) Interview: Yingyi Ma on Chinese International Students
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese students are now enrolled in American universities and colleges. What are the main reasons for them to come here and pay for expensive higher education?
We can understand this from two angles. The first angle is why they want to come here. The second angle is how they can come here. So, the first is about their motivation; the second is about their capacity. They are largely driven by the higher quality of higher education: more opportunities here, larger number of higher-ranking, higher-quality, world-class colleges in the United States than in China.
The capacity for them to come here is largely due to the rising middle-class population in China that makes them able to afford the very expensive higher education here in the United States.
For full interview, please check out this link.